Wednesday 30 November 2011

In the beginning

When my first band in school "Wormwood" were given the opportunity to record two tracks, we were stoked. We then won best Cover in Australia for "Kool Schools" and my fate was set. I have never been partial to being thrown in the mix. 

Being thrown in the deep end at time has led to recordings with Orchestras and Jazz groups both live and in the studio.  As an assistant and artist I have also worked with the Cerebral Palsy league and other community groups. 

Every so often there is a great sense of achievement from bashing out a Low-fi record on a home set up.  I have been graced with the opportunity to tour Australia on the back of such recordings that included the use on heaps or trash and/or vintage gear including a big fat 70’s  drum kit catered to the likes of John Bonham (as pictured).

          Courtesy of the Drum Cartel.

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