Thursday 26 May 2011

"Fresh Drums for Young Guns" BOOK LAUNCH!!!

After selling the first copy of my book I felt a massive weight lifted and replaced with a true sense of achievement. The work I have put in over the last 12 months has been well celebrated with family and friends. With over two hundred guests everyone had a great time and the launch was a great opportunity to showcase my career to date.

Kicking off the evening the first hundred guests received a bag with a special offer including a free drum lesson and info about what the arts hub has to offer. As a part of the Rabbit and Cocoon (multi arts hub) sneak peak, there was an amazing art exhibition by “Flat White Spaces” a fashion parade showcasing local designers and live music. With members of council and local businesses and organisations attending we hosted tapas and drinks from the arts hubs cafĂ©.

I eagre all locals to come for a wander through Miami and check out the Rabbit and Cocoon or simply check it out online ( Jolie (mc for the night) although nervous spoke highly of me as an international artist and musician on the Gold Coast.

My book and the exhibition were displayed in the artist run spaces giving an industrial backdrop to the pop culture works. Dragon’s blood incense invite you in my room showcasing home drumming videos running continuously provoking memories of my beginnings behind the kit and my studies at the Conservatorium of Music. Featuring my unique drum kit (covered in 70’s wallpaper) alongside my book were flyers and cards depicting my new teaching studio at this very hub.

On the night I had many conversations with authors, musicians and artists that were interested in my book.  Amongst the celebrations I conducted an interview for the Gold Coast Bulletin and had many photos with family and friends. The Launch of my book “Fresh Drums for Young Guns” has been a great success and I am very proud of what I have achieved. 

For copies of my book please email at 

Monday 16 May 2011

XTV- Crossing Divides

Crossing Divides is a Gold Coast, Australia, based not-for-profit organization. Our mission is to provide young people (16-25) who experience disabilities with a variety of low cost arts and music programs that cater to their various interests, skill levels and capabilities.  Through our programs we aim to improve the life skills of our participant, broaden their artistic horizons, help them engage with the wider community and provide them with a safe and supervised environment in which to socialize and make new friends.

As a mentor/ facilitator for our programs I see week by week the constant growth and importance of this organisation to the community and to the participates. 

Our Song writing and recording program which has proudly been supported by the Gold Coast City Council will be running twice a week for 16 weeks starting on the 1st of February. This was constructed from the program we ran as a community project XTV.

Crossing Dived Inc. extends a BIG congratulations to Sonic Mayhem and the XTV crew for their awesome effort at all of their performances including a live performance on Gold Coast ABC Radio. Our ed of year Showcases and performances were all a big success, thank you to everyone who came out to support us rain-or-shine.  

For more info & updates please visit

Monday 9 May 2011

Holland hanging from the rafters

The hottest Dutch summer is complete with a show in Timbuktoe. The atmosphere is electric, this was another Rob Sawyer encounter at the beach shack. Traditionally the whole crowd watched the sun fall into the horizon to "Shine on you crazy diamond".

That’s when the bands get fired up.....

For the most relaxing venue I have ever played people were hanging from the rafters above this mosh pit that somehow formed. This is the first show that people have incurred injuries from the crazyness, as I hit the drums I watch someone drop from the roof directly to the ground and then half the crowd falls due to intoxication and absolutely loosing the plot. So after all the mayhem the night did not end and we watched the sunrise and continued on our journey.

We then hit north view on no sleep for round two. A big shout out to the owners of the Flying Pig for our first home cooked meal since our stay with Truck our tour manager. "Halfway Useless", our support play great garage punk. Adding to the garage punk vibe was the dodge PA system, and drums risen on a pool table as the rest of the band clustered over the dance floor. 

Another hot day and an ever hotter night the stage lights didn't help. From memory the window looking out on the street began to fog up. Thank god we are staying here and not in the next city, as sleep is required right after we paint the walls with the stench of touring artists. I'd like to apologise to the staff who was fired that night.

Tour diary - Canada

The first show in Vancouver was upmost energetic. We had to 
blow out a few cob webs but after the first crack on the snare 
the crowd began to move. This venue looked like the Tivoli 
and the crowd was dedicated. So Richards on Richards street 
is a definite for the future.We are Lucky to have acquired a 
great Canadian crew that has been most hospitable and great 
for a laugh. After driving around the countryside for the 3 days 
staying in cabins in the snow, and 0 degree temperatures we 
trek through the amazing Canadian Rockies. 

Our tour companions "Current Swell" are keeping a roof over 
our heads outside the city. Somehow we managed to acquire 
this pimped out Ford Flex with all the mod cons. Sunroofs, 
comfy seats, and a quiet motor are some of the perks of being 
on the road in the Rockies for 8 hrs a day.

So far there have been great crowds at every show. Calgary 
was our last show and we went out with a bang. The promoter 
really looked after us and we played like it was the last time we 
ever would. After a 12 hr drive from Calgary to Vancouver we 
recorded some tracks in this great studio called Fader Master 
at about 12 pm. We have finished up on the mainland and are 
spending our last day on Victoria Island to farewell "Current 

I got to say that eating at Denny's at 3 in the morning was 
definitely a highlight, especially because we had a massive 
entourage. The poor waitress couldn't understand our down 
under accents so we brought about 20 locals to translate our 
slang. So now we bus it to Seattle.

For more pics and info please visit

Tour diary - Germany Good Morgan!!

As we drove from Holland to Germany it hailed stone size pieces of ice for the first hr. A four hour drive turned into an eight hour traffic blocking epic. This may have been a sign of things to come, as we launched into the first song my snare drum broke on the very first crack. 

On a positive note we were hit with the largest rider we have ever encounted complete with bowls of gummi-bears and enough food to feed an army. Later that night we were approached by a photographer for a random photo shoot. This included throwing stones down the fire escape and getting sprayed with the hose. 

Great show with Jaya the Cat though. Playing with a punk reggae group was a good dynamic.