Friday 29 April 2011

Fresh Drums for Young Guns

       After years of tours through floods, fire, desert, snow, sun 
       shine, and a dozen different countries and festivals I find 
       myself still amazed with what I can achieve if I simply put my 
       mind to it.

       Following years of study in the performing arts, I started writing
       this book to assist in private tuition. Bored with traditional 
       teaching methods, I began to incorporate what I thought my 
       students would enjoy. In our lessons we would soon harness 
       the ability to learn whilst have a great time. Looking forward to
       each lesson my students began developing their skills quickly. I
       was constantly incorporating new ideas based on traditional 
       rudiments, the student’s inspiration and previous exercises I
       have learnt from percussion doctors and musicians alike. To
       ease off the constant need to produce written exercises I 
       thought why not write my very own reference book, and here it 

For a copy of my book please email at